Neil Martin
Helping you find your way
What is Psychosythesis?
Psychosynthesis is a deep approach to psychology created by Italian psychiatrist, Roberto Assagioli (1888-1974).
​Freud’s theories focused more on the ‘basement of the human building’ whereas Assagioli was more interested in the whole of the building; creating his approach to ‘build an elevator’ that allowed a person to access every level of their personality. He believed that an individual’s psyche was made up of several different elements (See his Egg diagram, left) that could be brought into synthesis. He included a broader use of human abilities, such as will, imagination, and intuition. He even included our spiritual side, higher aspirations, and a fundamental centre in all of us, which he called the Self. So, unlike Freud that simply explored a person’s past and the depth of what had already occurred, Psychosynthesis also looks at the future and the real emerging potential of who they might become.
Psychosynthesis regards everyone as having the capacity to activate latent potentialities within themselves and offers methods and tools to activate self-realization, personal development and bring about effective change. Psychosynthesis can enable us to live a more centred life, have freer will, and improve our well-being. It can provide us with a greater sense of who we really are and our life meaning.
Also, I recommend reading: What We May Be: Techniques for Psychological and Spiritual Growth (2000) by Piero Ferrucci